EcoLife App

EcoLife App

EcoLife App


3 days

App Type

Mobile App

Project Type

Internship Interview Task



Skills Used

Product design


EcoLife is all about providing sustainable solutions for everyday life. From reusable bags to biodegradable cleaning supplies and bamboo kitchenware, they have it all. 🌿 The app I designed aimed to enhance the customer experience by enabling seamless browsing, effortless purchases, order tracking, and personalized recommendations based on purchase history. This was an internship interview task.


The app was made in the 3 days and based on the research done for the app. The app allows users to place an order for eco-friendly products. One user provided feedback, stating: ”I appreciate that I can place an order and track it. It’s good that I can see how exactly is the product eco-friendly in the description.”





Passionate about pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges, I'm here to elevate your vision. As a dedicated product designer, I specialize in creating lasting experiences. Let's unite our expertise to craft designs that captivate and endure. Join me in this exciting journey towards unparalleled product excellence. Get in touch, and let's bring your ideas to life!

© 2024 Grace Lal

© 2024 Grace Lal

© 2024 Grace Lal