BakedBliss Responsive Website

BakedBliss Responsive Website

BakedBliss Responsive Website


2 months

App Type

Responsive Web Application

Project Type



Adobe XD

Skills Used

Product Design


BakedBliss bakery specializes in providing high-quality baked goods. The bakery is known for its delicious and visually stunning cake orders. They want a responsive website to collect custom cake orders from customers and allow them to customize their orders. BakedBliss wants its customers to participate in the cake's design process so that they can make it personal and special.


The app allows users to place and customize their cake orders. Additionally, it allows users to participate in the design process. One user provided feedback, stating: ”I like the uploading design inspirations section as well as the discussion room feature. It really helps in making the cake customized.”

What I learned

Throughout the project, I learnt:

  • Responsive Web Design: how to design for various screens such that the web app is responsive in each screen size.

  • Importance of Usability study: how it influenced the design of the app making it more accessible to users.





Passionate about pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges, I'm here to elevate your vision. As a dedicated product designer, I specialize in creating lasting experiences. Let's unite our expertise to craft designs that captivate and endure. Join me in this exciting journey towards unparalleled product excellence. Get in touch, and let's bring your ideas to life!

© 2024 Grace Lal

© 2024 Grace Lal

© 2024 Grace Lal